Pastor Marty
Dear members and friends of Zion Lutheran Church,
I am excited to serve a congregation with such a strong heart for mission. There is nothing like a community of believers who are unified in knowing that they are forgiven and beloved children of God, saved by grace and desire to serve God faithfully with all their heart, soul, mind, and strength. Together, God has called us to serve. With God we can do far more than we can even imagine.
My commitment to you as your pastor is:
● to preach and teach God’s Word and administer the sacraments faithfully
● to walk with you as a close companion in the way of the cross and God’s amazing grace
● to equip you for serving with your God-given gifts
● and to be available for prayer, counsel, and encouragement
Stop by anytime or let me know when you might be available to meet for coffee or lunch.
Serving together with you in Christ,
Pastor Marty Jacobson
A little about me…
I was born in Colombia, South America where my parents served as missionaries. I graduated from Luther College (Decorah, Iowa) with majors in English and Religion. After college I served on a traveling youth ministry team with Lutheran Youth Encounter traveling through Ohio and other Great Lakes states. I also led a bike tour ministry through Indiana and Ohio. In 1993 I graduated from Luther Seminary and have served congregations in Minnesota, Iowa, and California.
I love being married to Marin, dad to Kari and Kristofer, and serving as a pastor. Seeing people connect to the life-giving hope of knowing Christ is a true joy. Kari is teaching in Red Wing, Minnesota and pursing a Masters Degree in English Literature. Her husband, Alex Aakre, serves as an ELCA pastor. Kristofer has worked for Erie Home and is a young man of many talents.
Marin and I enjoy hiking and kayaking in the beauty of God’s creation. We have visited many of our National Parks and look forward to visiting more.
On my day off you might find me playing tennis, exploring a local park, watching a movie or attending a concert with Marin, reading a good book, or catching up on projects around the house. I also enjoy following my favorite football and baseball teams, spending time with friends, and good food.
My passions in ministry include:
● building up the body of Christ through our strong identity as God’s beloved and forgiven sons and daughters
● leading and equipping the saints (all of you) for serving in mission with your God-given gifts
● Christ-centered worship and evangelism, youth and family ministry, and community outreach
I love God’s story of salvation woven through Scripture culminating in life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, the coming of the promised Holy Spirit, and the church proclaiming the Gospel and its power to change lives. I believe the local church is where the power of the Christ is made visible and where we can, as a community of believers, live out Jesus’ teachings and experience God personally.
Feel free to contact me if you have any questions, a ministry need, or would just like to get better acquainted.