Connection Groups
Learning and growing through:
- Young Adult gatherings - Sunday lunch after 10:45 worship
- Bible and Life Group - Sundays at 9:40am in Room 100
- Youth and Children’s Ministry
- Women's Ministry - Women's circle Bible studies and special events
- Men’s Ministry - Service projects and fellowship
Caring Ministry Teams
Support and caring through:
- Evangelism Ministry
- Fellowship Ministry
- Food Ministry – 3rd Sunday Outreach Meal
- Prayer Shawl Ministry
- Project Day - Quilts and School kits for Lutheran World Relief
- Social Ministry - World Hunger, Disaster Relief, and more
Operations Ministry Team
- Archives
- Finance
- Personnel
- Property
- Stewardship
- Communications/Technology
Worship/Music Ministry Team
- Coffee House Worship
- Traditional Worship
- Adult Music Ensembles - Choir of Zion, Handbell Ensemble
- Jubilate Ringers - youth grades 5-12