A Note from Pastor Shari - The Things We Hold on To


Last week, I picked up a painted rock that has lingered on my shelf for almost a year. It’s one of the rocks we painted on the first Wednesday in Lent in 2020. Little did we know on that Wednesday in March that a couple of weeks later, we would be learning to do everything that was once familiar in a brand new way.

On the rock is a drawing of a tree. It’s an imperfect image, to be sure. But it is such a wonderful reminder of another time, another Lent. And it is a call to me of the importance of continued growth in the life of faith.

I know I’m not alone in saying that I hope this Lent/Easter/Pentecost season is the last liturgical season lived in the deepest part of this pandemic. As I write this, the COVID numbers seem to be trending downward in Ohio and across the country. At the same time, new variants of the virus are spreading. It can be hard to decide which of these two realities to hold on to. So, in the meantime, I hold on to this rock with its reminder of Lenten seasons past, present, and future. And with its reminder of the promise of future growth in the trees outside and in the heart within.

As you plan for your Lenten journey, what are the solid things that will give you strength for these days? Will you pick up the Bible passed down to you (or your Kindle with a devotional app)? Will you follow the virtual devotional videos that are part of “Beauty in the Dust”? (You can find more about this opportunity later in the March edition of The Voice). Will you sacrifice in some small way in order to deepen your walk of faith? Will you shop for items to include in the CAMO in-gathering sponsored by the Social Ministry Committee? Will you come to midweek Lenten Bible study on Wednesday nights? Will you look for new ways to find sabbath time in a busy schedule?

However you choose to mark this Lent, I hope it will be a time of growth and renewal for you. And I hope you will hold on to solid things in the midst of an unfamiliar time.

Blessed Lent to you all!
Pastor Shari

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