Matthew 25:21

“His master replied, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!’”              

                                                                                                                 Matthew 25:21


Our Stewardship Theme this fall is Good and Faithful Servants.


God’s mission in this world is done by those whose hearts are shaped to serve. The person God uses has many qualities, but first among them is faithfulness. Stephen was a man full of wisdom and the Holy Spirit, and full of faith (see Acts 6:1–7). But the apostles didn’t ask him to go out and do miracles and then preach the gospel to the Sanhedrin. What was his job? He was chosen to serve the church by waiting on tables. It was hard work, but that is what Stephen did.


Diligently, Stephen waited on the Lord. And as the Lord found him faithful in the little things, He gave him more

responsibilities. We can never be too small for God to use—only too big. God posed this question to Zechariah: “For who has despised the day of small things?” (Zechariah 4:10). We need to be faithful in doing what God has set before us, because if we are not faithful in the little things, then we won’t be in the big things.


Jesus told the story of a wealthy man who went on a journey (see Matthew 25:14–30). As he left, he called his servants and gave to each of them a small amount of money. He told them to invest it while he was away. Two of the three servants did invest the money, and it multiplied. To those two faithful servants the master said, “Well done, good and faithful servant; you were faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things. Enter into the joy of your lord” (Matthew 25:21).


Notice that those who were faithful were rewarded accordingly. But notice one more thing: their rewards were more opportunities to serve. If you are faithful in the little things, God will give you other opportunities to do greater things.


As members of the body of Christ, here at Zion Lutheran, we ask two important things of you:

1)   Prayerfully and faithfully participate in the ministries of Zion, reaching out to our community

2) Prayerfully consider your “Estimate of Giving for2025” (watch for a special email or letter coming to you in October).  We invite you to give as God has blessed you.


Your generosity is translated into countless acts of love carried out in Jesus’ name. On Sunday, Oct. 27th we will celebrate our annual Commitment Sunday. During worship at both services we will each have the opportunity to bring forward our stewardship response: our “Estimate of Giving” and Time & Talent cards as well as our regular offerings, and place them before the altar of the Lord.


Serving with you in Christ,

Pastor Marty

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