Easter is Forever... and Love Finds a Way

  If you have ever seen the 1993 film, Jurassic Park, you may remember the through line that “life finds a way.” The story centers on a near future when the science of cloning has made it possible for human beings to bring back the dinosaurs. Scientists are sure they have created mechanisms that would prevent the dinosaurs from breeding on their own, outside the confines of the amusement park that bears their name. Upon hearing this, one character is especially dubious about humankind’s ability to control something so fundamental. “Life finds away,” he says. And, indeed, in Jurassic Park, it does.

   In 2021, the month of April will begin with some of the most important worship opportunities of the Christian year. April 1st is Maundy Thursday, April 2nd Good Friday, April 4th Easter Sunday. It is hard to imagine entering into a second Holy Week in the midst of a global pandemic. And yet, we remain hopeful that April and May will be months of significant improvement in case numbers both locally and globally.

   I almost titled this article, “Easter is A Season.” This is true, of course. The liturgical season of Easter extends into May, before it yields to the day of Pentecost. Easter is a season ... and more than that. A part of our proclamation as the sun rises on Easter morning is that Christ is arisen, life is renewed, love is stronger than death. And that, my friends, is a proclamation that lasts not a season, but forever.

  Throughout the Easter season, our Epistle texts (those second readings) come from the 1st Letter of John. This is a short Biblical book and is easily read in a single sitting. We also hear several stories from the book of Acts during Easter. The effect of reading these two books alongside each other each week, means that we hear over and over about the spread of the good news that Christ is risen and the reminder that we are named beloved children of God and inheritors of this eternal Easter message.

 We will get to think and reflect on these twin themes throughout the Easter season, but in the end their shared proclamation is this: Easter is forever ... and love finds a way. Thanks be to God.

Blessings to you all!

Pastor Shari


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